Frequently Asked Questions
How do I create an account?
Most accounts are created automatically by your partner organization. All NYC Health + Hospitals employee accounts are automatically created and sign-in via Single Sign On (SSO). Special instructions are provided to H+H by their supervisors/HR directors.
For all other non-H+H employees, if your account has not been automatically created, you can opt to create your own account:
Step 1) Select “Create an Account” on the top right corner of the screen
Step 2) Complete all the registration form fields and click “Register”
Step 3) Upon successful completion, you will be signed in and redirected to the home page
Still have having issues?
How do I login to my account?
Option 1: For employees whose accounts were created by their partner organization, visit:
You will receive an Account Activation Email that will prompt you to follow a link to activate your account.
You can log into your account on the homepage of the OCH LMS anytime.
Option 2: For NYC Health + Hospitals employees, your accounts are automatically created and you can sign into the OCH LMS via Single Sign On (no activation required):
- Go to the homepage of the OCH LMS:
- Click H+H Employee? Sign in here
- Use your H+H email address and password to login
Option 3: For residents & employees onboarding at a NYC Health + Hospitals facility, visit:
You will receive an Account Activation Email that will prompt you to follow a link to activate your account.
You can log into your account on the homepage of the OCH LMS anytime.
Still have having issues?
How do I activate my account?
Option 1: For employees whose accounts were created by their partner organization, visit:
Option 2: For NYC Health + Hospitals employees, your accounts are automatically created and you can sign into the OCH LMS via Single Sign On:
- Go to the homepage of the OCH LMS:
- Click H+H Employee? Sign in here
- Use your H+H email address and password to login
Option 3: For residents & employees onboarding at a NYC Health + Hospitals facility, visit:
Still have having issues?
I haven't received an account activation email. Where is my account?
If you are an employee at a partner organization of OneCity Health, or an onboarding resident or employee at a NYC Health + Hospital facility, your accounts are bulk-created and you activate them via the Account Activation Email you receive.
The two main reasons you may have not received the Account Activation Email are:
- Your account has not been created yet
- Your account has been created but you haven’t (or can’t) receive the Account Activation Email
Scenario 1) Your account has not yet been created.
Resolution: Speak to your supervisor. Your organization or facility likely has not yet sent the OneCity Health Workforce Team information and instructions about the creation of your account. Therefore, no account has been created for you yet. Once your organization or facility has sent the OneCity Health Workforce Team the information and instructions needed to create your account, please allow 48 hours to receive the activation email.
Scenario 2) Your account has been created, but you do not see the Account Activation Email.
Resolution: Each organization’s IT Department implements unique network restrictions so that when you are on-site (on your organizations network), you may have limited access to visiting websites or receiving emails from unknown senders. Since you may be visiting the OCH LMS, and receiving email communication from OneCity Health, for the first time, your IT Department’s restrictions may block your ability to receive the email or access the site.
To resolve this, consult your organizations ‘Partner Admin’ who is responsible for implementing the OCH LMS at your organization and ask that they consult their copy of the OCH LMS Tech Specs document which will allow them to work with the IT Department to permit employees access to emails from OCH and the OCH LMS.
Additionally, check your junk/spam folder for the Account Activation Email.
Still have having issues?
I received the Account Activation Email, but the activation link doesn't work. What can I do?
If you are an employee at a partner organization of OneCity Health, or an onboarding resident or employee at a NYC Health + Hospital facility, your accounts are bulk-created and you activate them via the Account Activation Email you receive.
The three main reasons you may not be able to activate your account via activation link are:
- The activation link is not present
- The activation link is present but it does not allow me to click on it/doesn’t bring me to the OCH LMS
- The activation link is present but clicking it logs me in under someone else’s account
Scenario 1) You received the Account Activation Email but do not see the activation link.
Each organization’s IT Department implements unique network restrictions so that when you are on-site (on your organizations network), you may have limited access to visiting websites or receiving emails from unknown senders. Since you may be visiting the OCH LMS, and receiving email communication from OneCity Health, for the first time, your IT Department’s restrictions may be blocking your ability to receive hyperlinks that appear in emails from “new” or “unknown” senders. In this instance, you could receive an Account Activation Email with a blank space where the activation link should be.
If this is the case, please follow these steps:
Resolution Option 1:
- Go to the ‘Reset Password’ page:
- Enter your email (the email your organization would have created your account under)
- Look for a Password Reset email (check junk/spam) and follow the instructions
- You will be allowed to set your password and activate your account
- Consult your organizations ‘Partner Admin’ who is responsible for implementing the OCH LMS at your organization and ask that they consult their copy of the OCH LMS Tech Specs document which will allow them to work with the IT Department to permit employees access to emails from OCH and the OCH LMS.
Resolution Option 2:
- Submit a support request ticket >
- Consult your organizations ‘Partner Admin’ who is responsible for implementing the OCH LMS at your organization and ask that they consult their copy of the OCH LMS Tech Specs document which will allow them to work with the IT Department to permit employees access to emails from OCH and the OCH LMS.
Scenario 2) The activation link is present but it does not allow me to click on it/doesn’t bring me to the OCH LMS
Each organization’s IT Department implements unique network restrictions so that when you are on-site (on your organizations network), you may have limited access to visiting websites or receiving emails from unknown senders. Since you may be visiting the OCH LMS, and receiving email communication from OneCity Health, for the first time, your IT Department’s restrictions may be blocking your ability to access the OneCity Health LMS site. In this instance, clicking the activation link will not work.
Consult your organizations ‘Partner Admin’ who is responsible for implementing the OCH LMS at your organization and ask that they consult their copy of the OCH LMS Tech Specs document which will allow them to work with the IT Department to permit employees access to emails from OCH and the OCH LMS.
Scenario 3) The activation link is present but clicking it logs me in under someone else’s account
If you are sharing a computer with other employees activating their accounts or using the OCH LMS, you may be unable to activate your account. In this instance, when you click the activation link in the Account Activation Email, you will be redirected to the OCH LMS and logged in on an account that is not your own. We ask you do the following:
Step 1) Log out of the account that is not your own by hovering over the grey avatar square in the top-right of your screen and selecting ‘Log Out’
Step 2) Go back to the Account Activation Email and re-click the link
Step 3) After your session, ensure you log out so as to not create the same problem for the employee who uses the computer after you
Still have having issues?
Submit a support request ticket >
How do I register for a training?
Step 1) Locate the course you want to take
Step 2) On the course home page, select “Take This Course”
Step 3) If you are not already signed in, you will be prompted to login or create an account
Step 4) Once logged in, complete the registration form, ensuring to fill out all the mandatory fields, then click “Submit”
Step 5) Select “Start Course”
Still have having issues?
How do I change my current password?
Step 1) Go to OCH LMS homepage here: and log in to your account
Step 2) In the Welcome section, click on “Update Information”
Step 3) Select “Update Password”
Step 4) Enter old password
Step 5) Create new password and confirm password
Step 6) Select “Update”
Still have having issues?
Where can I see what trainings are available?
Step 1) Log in to your account
Step 2) Hover over “Catalog” on the main menu
Step 3) Select “All Trainings” or choose a specific category from the list
Step 4) Choose from the listed courses or use the “Search Courses” to find a specific training
Still have having issues?
Why can't I mark a lesson complete?
Is the “Mark Complete” button greyed out? Check for a timer.
Some courses will have the “Mark Complete” button disabled until the lesson timer runs out. Once the timer has elapsed, the “Mark Complete” button should no longer be greyed out and should allow you to press it.
Still have having issues?
Where can I access my courses?
Step 1) Log in to your account
Step 2) On the main menu, click “My Trainings”. This section will display the current courses you are registered for and your progress
Still have having issues?
Why am I having errors viewing the lesson?
Step 1) If the content is not loading properly, try using a different browser
Step 2) If using a different browser does not work, try clearing your cache.
Note: If you are using Chrome, you can clear you cache by clicking on the three dots in the upper-right corner of your browser and selecting “History.” Under “History”, on the left-hand side, select “Clear Browsing Data”. Set the “Time Range” as “All Time” and ensure that the box for “Cached Images and Files” is checked. Lastly, select “Clear Data”
Still have having issues?
Why can't I see my certificate?
Step 1) Check the course progress bar to ensure that all lessons have been marked complete
Step 2) If the progress bar indicates that all lessons are marked complete and you are still unable to access your certificate, try refreshing the page or opening the course in another browser.
Still have having issues?
Where can I edit my account settings?
Option 1
Step 1) Go to the OCH LMS homepage here: and log in to your account
Step 2) In the Welcome section, on the left, select “Update Information”
Step 3) Here, you will have the option to edit personal, employment, and account information
Option 2
Step 1) Go to the OCH LMS homepage here: and log in to your account
Step 2) Under Quicklinks, select “My Trainings” which will bring you to your dashboard
Step 3) On the left sidebar, select “Update Information”
Step 4) Here, you will have the option to edit personal, employment, and account information
Still have having issues?
Where can I reset my password?
Step 1) Go to the OCH LMS homepage here:
Step 2) In the Welcome section, on the bottom, select “Forgot Password?”
Step 3) Enter your email and check your inbox for a password reset link. If you do not see the email, check your junk folder.
Still have having issues?
Where can I drop an in-person or online training that I have registered for?
Step 1) Go to the OCH LMS homepage here:
Step 2) On the main menu, select “My Trainings”
Step 3) Under the Welcome Section of your dashboard select “My Trainings”
Step 4) Go to the “Manage Trainings” tab
Step 5) Check the box next to the training you would like to drop
Step 6) Select “Drop Course”
Still have having issues?
Who can I contact for support?
For technical issues, HWapps Support is available to assist you during business hours, from 8am – 5pm EST, Mon – Fri:
- Submit a request ticket for support here:
- Email [email protected]
- Call us at 1-800-516-9693
For training-related issues, contact the OneCity Health Workforce Team at [email protected]. These may include inquiries related to target audience, curriculum, registration, evaluations, CME credits, and more.