CCN Compliance Training: Fraud, Waste & Abuse (FWA)

Created specifically for healthcare workers who provide health or administrative services and provide and bill Medicaid or Medicare. These individuals are responsible for detect and preventing fraud, waste, and abuse, and must know how to report and correct FWA. CMS requires annual FWA training for organizations providing health services to Medicaid or Medicare clients. This training is ideal for individuals at all levels at an organization billing Medicaid/ Medicare and can be utilized as an annual refresher training for all staff and for initial onboarding of new hires.

Training Overview:

  • Defining Fraud, Waste & Abuse (FWA)
  • FWA Laws and Regulations
  • Reporting Suspected FWA
  • FWA Key Indicators

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Course Details

Training Initiative: Compliance

Title: CCN Compliance Training: Fraud, Waste & Abuse (FWA)

Training Mode: Online

Type: Certificate

Requirement: Recommended